
Eurizon Capital is a “responsible and active investor” for listed companies

Eurizon Capital was the first Asset Management Company in Italy to specifically provide for this role with the inclusion in the company of Cristina Ungureanu, a Corporate Governance expert at international level. Cristina Ungureanu is a member of the European Corporate Governance Institute and the author of several publications on these topics. She has gained extensive experience in this sector by working for companies all over the world, from Africa to the United States and Asia to Europe.

Eurizon Capital is a “responsible and active investor” for listed companies


European Confederation of Directors’ Association (ecoDa) – 10th anniversary video

To celebrate its 10th anniversary ecoDa, with the collaboration of Sodali, created a video to talk about the association and the great work it did on the discussion about the professionalism of Directors.

It consists in a powerful synthesis of the Board of Directors nature, tasks and evolution, and sees the contribution of Cristina Ungureanu, Head of Corporate Governance Advisory at Sodali.

“What makes a good Board of Directors? An engaged Board – internally, with its management, and also externally, with its shareholders and stakeholders”.

See video

Massmedia View from the top

Cristina Ungureanu joins Sodali as Corporate Governance Advisor

Cristina Ungureanu joins Sodali as Corporate Governance Advisor.

Press release

Conferences Documents Massmedia Videos

Workshop – European Parliament – Directorate General for Internal Policies

Banks’ Remuneration Rules (CRD III) Are They Implemented and Do They Work in Practice

January 30, 2012, Brussels

In 2010 the European Parliament adopted ‘CRD III’ (i.e. Directive 2010/76/EU amending the Capital Requirements Directives) which included some of the strictest rules in the world regarding bankers’ bonuses. These rules took effect in January 2011. After one year of application, the ECON Committee felt that the time has come to check if these tough new rules on bonuses are properly implemented and have indeed effectively transformed the bonus culture and ended incentives for excessive risk-taking.
This workshop on the Implementation of Banks’ Remuneration Rules (CRD III) seeks to gather information on the state of play of implementation, in particular diverging application and the effects thereof, and will try to gain views as to the efficiency of the new framework for bankers’ bonuses. The views of the European Commission, as well as the current work of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and scientific experts in the area are properly taken into account for this evaluation.
Maria Cristina Ungureanu discussed ‘Bankers’ pay in EU banks after CRD III: Application of the rules in the EU and analysis of the effects’. In particular, she addressed the implementation of the CRD III remuneration rules in the European Union with examples from several Member States, showing the development of bonuses before and after implementation, highlighting positive developments and difficulties (of European/cross-border relevance), mentioning the influences of relevant developments in general company law and current work in the area of corporate governance.

ICFR – Financial Times Research Prize (2010)

The essay Lost in Implementation: The Rise and Value of the Principles for Sound Compensation Practices at Financial Institutions written by Prof. Guido Ferrarini and Dr. Maria Cristina Ungureanu was awarded the runner-up International Centre for Financial Regulation – Financial Times Research Prize (2010).

Runner-up Prize essay

ICFR Press Release

Financial Times article


ICFR – Financial Times Research Prize (2010)

The essay Lost in Implementation: The Rise and Value of the Principles for Sound Compensation Practices at Financial Institutions written by Prof. Guido Ferrarini and Dr. Maria Cristina Ungureanu was awarded the runner-up International Centre for Financial Regulation – Financial Times Research Prize (2010).

Runner-up Prize essay

ICFR Press Release

Financial Times article


Article in Gazeta Romaneasca

Article in Gazeta Romaneasca

The weekly newspaper interviewed Cristina and wrote an article about her life and international career, in its first December 2010 issue.


Cristina was filmed by PROTV news while visiting Macef – 2010 at the Milano Fiera

Expozitie nebuna la Milano perne ce incalzesc sufletul si cutite Voodoo –


Government in Corporate Governance (ECGI newsletter)

Government in Corporate Governance

ECGI Newsletter 2009 Winter issue discusses recent articles issued in its working paper series, as well as the Transatlatic Corporate Governance Dialogue held in Washington in September 2009.


“Understanding Directors’ Pay in Europe. A Comparative and Empirical Analysis” – Guido Ferrarini, Niamh Moloney and Maria Cristina Ungureanu

Presentation made by Maria Cristina Ungureanu at the TCGD in Washington