La crisi finanziaria e l’evoluzione del sistema delle remunerazioni nelle società quotate
Conference: La Remunerazione degli Amministratori delle Società Quotate. Il Nuovo Codice di Autodisciplina, Optime Formazione Studi e Ricerche, Milano, Italy, June 2010
Mandatory limits to executive remuneration: A Comparative Analysis
Conference: Annual Conference EU Company Law, Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany, March 2010
Corporate Governance International Reforms
Conference: III Forum Corporate Governance, Business International, Milano, Italy, March 2010
Le Politiche di Remunerazione delle Banche e delle altre Istituzioni Finanziarie nel Panorama Internazionale
Conference: Politiche di Remunerazione, Governo dei Rischi e Prattiche Commerciali. L’Impatto nel Settore Assicurativo, Fondazione CESIFIN Alberto Predieri, Associazione Internazionale di Diritto delle Assicurazioni (AIDA), Florence, Italy, January 2010
Executive Remuneration at State-Aided Banks
Conference: European Capital Markets Law: Problems and Cases, Centre for Research in Law and Economics (CRELE), Free University of Bolzano, Italy, November 2009
Executive Remuneration in Crisis
Conference: European Capital Markets Law: Problems and Cases, Centre for Research in Law and Economics (CRELE), Free University of Bolzano, Italy, November 2009
Reforming Compensation. The Latest Facts from Europe
Conference: The New Role of Government in Corporate Governance, ECGI Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue, Securities Exchange Commission, Washington, United States, September 2009
Corporate Governance in the European Union: The Implications for Financial and Narrative Reporting
Annual Conference International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE), Greece Summer Conference, 5-7 July, 2009, Vol. 9, N. 1, 2009
Evolution of Accounting and Financial Sector Regulation Within the European Union Policy (I)
3rd International Conference Accounting and Management Information Systems (AMIS) Bucharest, Romania, June 2008
Understanding Directors’ Pay in Europe: A Legal and Empirical Analysis
Workshop on International Executive Remuneration, The Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, together with Vanderbilt Law School, Møller Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, England, May 2009
Fixing Directors’ Remuneration in Europe. Governance, Regulation and Disclosure
Roundtable on Directors’ Remuneration, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, March 2009
Overview on recent developments in executive remuneration disclosure: A European perspective
Workshop: Executive Remuneration Disclosure. Observations and Trends, Executive Remuneration Research Centre, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Belgium, December 2008
A European Perspective of Executive Compensation
Conference: Executive Compensation and Benefits, European Networking Group (ENG) 7th Annual Senior Executive Summit, Brussels, Belgium, September 2008
Evolution of Accounting and Financial Sector Regulation Within the European Union Policy
12th World Congress of Accounting Historians, Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2008
Importance of Effective Regulation and Supervision for Banks’ Corporate Governance: European Integration Context
Conference: A Review of Comparative Governance Systems. The Role of Financial Institutions in Corporate Governance, Conference Organized by The Wharton Financial Institutions Center, Amsterdam Center for Research in International Finance (CIFRA) and sponsored in part by the Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance (MCCGP) at the Yale School of Management, Erice, Sicily, April 2008
Characteristics of the Corporate Governance of Banks
Conference: Corporate Governance and Capital Markets, Eltville, Centre for Financial Studies (CFS) Frankfurt, Germany, August 2008